LBank's overall profit from Oct 16 to Oct 31: 336,417.21 USDT
Commissions on Spot Trading: 261,164.17 USDT
Commissions on Futures: 37,726.26 USDT
Finannce profit: 37,526.78 USDT
Repurchased Amount: 269,133.76 USDT=336,417.21*0.8
Quantity Released: 73,465.69LBK
*The 53rd repurchase will be completed during Nov 3rd - Nov 15th, after which the specific data of repurchase and burning will be announced on the 54th Bi-weekly Report. 50 percent of the repurchased LBK since then will be burned, and the other half will be held by the LBank team.
Bulletin of the 52th Repurchase
Repurchase Time: Oct 18 to Oct 31
Average Repurchase Price: 0.02471 USDT/LBK
Repurchase Amount: 240,750.744 USDT
Burning Quantity: 4,871,524.56LBK
Quantity belonging to the team: 4,871,524.56LBK
*Note: The on-chain data will be updated by Nov 4.
1. Launched "LVI Trading Competition" with a total prize of 19,800 LVI and Kpop music IP.
2. Launched “LUFFY Holding Competition" with a total prize of $8,000 LUFFY.
3. Completed APENFT(NFT) Airdrop release in October.
4. Completed “LTC 20% Off Sale”, with a total order of 2,122,706
USDT, and actual turnover of 50,000 USDT.
5. Completed “ADA 20% Off Sale”, with a total order of 2,224,955
USDT, and actual turnover of 50,000 USDT.
6. Completed award distribution of "HIKO Holding Competition".
7. Launched Polygon ($MATIC) Trading Competition & Trading Lottery, 10,000 USDT in Prizes.
8. Launched $LUNAPAD Trading Competition & Trading Lottery, $10,000 $LUNAPAD in Prizes.
9. Launched $NAMI Social Media Airdrop, 0.9696 ETH in prize.
10. Launched $LUNAPAD Social Media Airdrop, $4,000 $LUNAPAD in Prizes.
11. Launched GGC(GGCOIN) Earning mining with 8.3% APY.
12. Launched ZOE Grid Trading Campaign Round 2.
13. Launched ECOP Trading Competition & Trading Lottery, 5,000 ECOP in Prizes.
14. Launched「MARSRISE Giveaway」to share $2,500 MARSRISE.
15. Launched GOKU(Goku Inu) Earning mining with 35% APY.
16. Launched SFC(SafeCap) Earning mining with 30% APY.
17. Launched「CISLA Giveaway」to share $2,500 CISLA.
18. Launched「Participate in the Four $FLOKI Rewarding Activities to Win $10,000 Worth of $FLOKI.
19. Launched SMBSWAP Earning mining with 20% APY.
20. Launched KING Trading Competition & Trading Lottery, 40,650KING in Prizes.
21. Launched POLO Trading Competition & Trading Lottery, 2,250,000 POLO in Prizes.
22. Launched CMCX Earning mining with 45% APY.
23. Launched CMCX(CORE MultiChain Token) Earning mining with 25% APY.
Hosted 7 AMA with PLUG(CN),LVI,POLO,GHD,TKX,FLOKI and ECOP project teams and awarded 12,000 USDT equivalent tokens.
Teamed with KING,TKX,ECOP and NAMI to launch media sweepstakes, awarding a total of 16,000 USDT equivalent token rewards.
The 112th (October 18 - October 24) community nodes were 27, with a total of 31,260 LBKs released in a single week at the price of 0.025 USDT/LBK, equivalent to 781.5 USDT.
The 113th (October 25 - October 31) community nodes were 27, with a total of 27,860 LBKs released in a single week, at the price of 0.022 USDT, equivalent to 612.92 USDT.
From October 16 to October 31, 14,345.69 LBKs were released from users' lock-up positions, with an average LBK price of 0.0188 USDT/LBK, equivalent to about 269.70 USDT.
1. Optimize the functions of earning bonus, activity, statistics, and push in Beginners' Tasks.
2. Optimize on-chain reward of ATLS trading and upgrade API security policy.
3. Add 3 international SMS providers.
4. Add ETFs to the trading area and optimize turnover sorting.
5. Globalized P2P trading released for gray test.
6. Support TKX, GGC, HYPE, KING, IMX, CELO, BTSC, FODL, SMD, NAMI, PLAY, SAMO, TRR, EDEN, PETS, and other 29 crypto assets in the spot wallet.
7. FTT3L, FTT3S, ARPA3L, ARPA3S, NU3L, NU3S went live on ETF zone.
8. Add NU, ARPA futures trading.
Click here to download for iOS or Android
LBank Community
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Telegram: https://t.me/LBank_en
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Medium: https://medium.com/LBank
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lbank
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