Trader's Operation Process: Apply to become a trader — Personal settings — Initiate copy trading — View profit-sharing data
I. How to apply to become a trader?
1. Visit the LBank official website and go to the "Copy Trading" page;
2. On the copy trading page, click on "Become a trader";
3. Fill in the application information and click "Next" after filling it out;
4. After filling in all the information, wait for review;
a. If the review is approved, you will receive an email notification. You can also check the review result directly on the copy trading page.
b. If the review is not approved, you will receive a notification under the "Trade" module in the "My Message" section.
II. Personal Settings for Traders
1. Visit the LBank official website and go to the "Copy Trading" page, then click on "My Trade".
2. Go to "Setting" to set Tags, Futures Order, and Total Profit.
For more details on the personal settings fields, refer to the "Traders’ Personal Settings" guide.
III. Initiating Copy Trading
Once personal settings are completed, you can start the process of "Initiate Copy Trading - Set your take-profit / stop-loss targets - Close copy trading positions - View copy trading data."
1. Initiate with order
a. Visit the LBank official website and go to the "Copy Trading" page, then click on "My Trade".
b. Click "Initiate Order" or opening a position on the Futures page;
c. After a successful copy trading initiation, you can view detailed position data in "My trades" or on the "Futures" page under "Current Orders."
i. To view detailed position data in "My Trade," refer to the guide "Traders Check Copy Trade Data";
ii. To view detailed position data on the "Futures" page under "Current Orders."
2. Set your take-profit / stop-loss (TP/SL) targets
You can set take-profit and stop-loss targets on the "Futures" page under "Current Orders“.
3. Close copy trading positions
You may close your positions on the "Futures" page under "Current Orders". Each order needs to be closed separately and supports planned order closing.
4. View copy trading data
a. Visit the LBank official website and go to the "Copy Trading" page, then click on "My Trade".
b. Click on "Copy Trading Data" to view an overview of copy trading data. You can switch between viewing all data and data from the past 3 weeks.
For more information on the data definitions, refer to the "Traders’ Data Explanation" guide.
c. Scroll down to view current copy trading orders, historical copy trading orders, and copy trading order information.
For more information on the data definitions, refer to the guide "Traders Check Copy Trade Data".
For relevant data descriptions, you can view [Traders Check Copy Trade Data].
IV. View profit sharing data
1. Visit the LBank official website and go to the "Copy Trading" page, then click on "My Trade".
2. Click "Profit data" to view accumulated profit, estimated pending profit, and yesterday profit data.
3. Scroll down to view the detailed data of the estimated pending profit;
4. Profit history can view detailed data by time or by user.
For more profit sharing rules, refer to the Profit-Sharing for Traders guide.
For more functions, refer to the Introduction of Trader Function guide.
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