System Notification
- Impersonation of crypto exchange employees and coin scams, check official channels
- LBank Official Announcement on Domain
- Warning About Phishing Websites
- LBank Announcement Center Domain Migration
- LBank has suspended the Deposit and Withdraw of SBT(SunBlockTerminal)
- LBank to Reverse Split of SOL5S and 15 Leveraged LTSs
- LBank Will Suspend the Trading and Deposit Certain Trading Pairs
- LBank has suspended the Deposit of BITBEDR (Bitcoin EDen Rich)
- LBank Will Delist the Trading of BABYPNUT (Baby Pnut)
- LBank Will Delist the Trading of GALAXY
- LBank Suspended the Trading of GALAXY
- LBank Will Support FTM (Fantom) Token Contract Upgrade and Migration
- LBank Will Support NIAT (Nia Ground) Token Contract Upgrade and Migration
- LBank Will Support COON (Coon Vi) Token Contract Upgrade and Migration
- LBank Suspended the Withdrawal and Deposit of GTN (Genesis token)
- LBank Will Delay the Listing of BABYFWOG (BABY FWOG)
- LBank will suspend the Trading, Deposit and Withdrawal of PROS(Prosper)
- LBank Will Delay the Listing of ARNOLD (ARNOLD)
- LBank will close the Deposit and Withdrawal of FEG (Feed Every Gorilla)
- LBank will Suspend the Trading, Deposit and Withdrawal of COON (Coon Vi)
- LBank will Suspend the Trading, Deposit and Withdrawal of NIAT (Nia Ground)
- LBank has Suspended the Trading of BG (BEAGLE)
- LBank Will Support DAR (Mines of Dalarnia) Token Contract Upgrade and Migration
- Announcement in support of TURINGBITCHAIN renaming to TBC
- LBank will Suspend the Trading, Deposit and Withdrawal of TURINGBITCHAIN (Turingbitchain)
- LBank suspended the listing airdrop of ALLEYCAT (AlleyCat)
- LBank Will Delay the Listing of ALLEYCAT(AlleyCat)
- LBank suspended the Deposit and Withdrawal of GALAXY
- LBank has Delayed the Withdraw of VIGO1M(VIGO)
- LBank has Delayed the Listing of VIGO1M(VIGO)